Home Education Week

We are planning a new special week for families who home educate their children.

We hope to announce shortly more information about the programme, with provision for children and adults creating a great reason to holiday with us, and with other home ed families.

We’re able to offer great prices for accommodation and an opportunity for families to holiday in the beautiful Vendée sunshine. Watch this space for more information.

Luke Bacon

Worship Leader

Luke Bacon
Luke Bacon

Luke ist ein in London ansässiger Sänger, Songwriter und Anbetungsleiter. Auf seiner Reise lebte er in fünf Ländern und verbrachte viele Jahre in Botswana, bevor er sich als Teenager in Großbritannien niederließ. Luke schreibt und spielt nicht nur seine eigene Musik, sondern leitet auch leidenschaftlich gern Gottesdienste und war an der Leitung von Kirchen, Veranstaltungen und Festivals in ganz Großbritannien und Europa beteiligt.

    Anna & Andrew Holland


    Anna and Andrew Holland
    Anna and Andrew Holland

    Andrew runs his own successful painting business as well as helping to lead a small local church. Anna has spent years in the field of education teaching across the country. Since having children they decided they'd embrace the life of home education and are happily exhausted to lead their three children through their education years. They're really looking forward to this very special week at LPO and are excited about the blessings that the Lord will have in store for everyone.