Meet the new Managing Director
John Musgrave became the new Managing Director of Spring Harvest Holidays in January 2024. Let's get to know him...
Welcome John, what drew you to this unique opportunity as Managing Director of Spring Harvest Holidays?
I worked for Spring Harvest at the time Le Pas Opton was purchased and have always wanted to get involved, having visited several times in the early days. The vision of providing both rest, relaxation, fun, and time to be refreshed spiritually, is something I believe is very important in our busy world. I’ve experienced God speak to me when taking time away from my normal day to day and have many happy memories of holidays with Christian friends. To be part of a team facilitating times of holidays and time with God certainly drew me to the role.
I also love France, love camping (well campervanning more than canvas for me), but to spend time in sites like LPO is how my family and I like to holiday. More time in France is another appeal for the role, as is supporting God’s kingdom work in Europe.
Tell us a little about yourself.
I live in East Sussex with my wife who is a teacher, my son who has just started secondary school, and our 1 year old chocolate labrador puppy who turbo charges everything we do with energy and chaos. We enjoy being outdoors as much as possible and when we’re not out walking the dog in the countryside, we’re generally planning somewhere we can visit in our campervan. We love being part of our local village community and attend our local Parish Church where I help support the men’s ministry and lead a few services. Being partial to a good French red wine and, well all the French cheeses, is probably a relevant fact to share when being involved in providing holidays in France!
It's not your first experience of LPO is it?
No, it’s not. I first visited the year Spring Harvest bought the site, before any improvements were made. It was great to see the site a year later at the opening of Spring Harvest Holidays, the transformation was quite something to see! I enjoyed a few holidays and joined the half term team on one occasion where I was a terrible bar man but perfectly suited to helping run the cheese and wine evening! Our travels have taken us to new places, so it’s been a few years since I was last at LPO, but typing this while on-site for meetings with the team, I’m delighted to be back!
Before moving here, you were general manager of a National Trust property - do you feel this is a similar role or completely different?
It is surprisingly similar! My role involved creating a visitor experience through opening a beautiful estate for the public to enjoy. Engaging our visitors with our cause, to look after history, nature, and beauty, for ever, for everyone, was central to all we did. I led a great team of paid staff and volunteers, so people were very much at the centre of what I did. Now I’ll be leading another team of amazing staff and volunteers, helping create exceptional holidays for our visitors to enjoy. The cause will of course be the greatest of all: the strapline of the National Trust, “For everyone, for ever” still resonates! Having looked after three estates, two mansions and a castle I’ve got some transferable skills to help with looking after the LPO site. There will of course be some differences, not least in the age of the structures I’m responsible for. Scotney Castle was over 600 years old; I’m told that none of the mobile homes are quite that old nor listed as Schedule ancient monuments!
What's your hope & vision for LPO in years to come?
My hope is that the original vision continues. That we provide amazing holidays and that our guests’ time here is a significant part of their faith journey. I’d like to see the number of people enjoying LPO in the quieter weeks grow, and for us to attract new people to visit. I feel the LPO facilities are an amazing resource, and my vision is that they are used more, both during the season and out of season, to resource God’s work in Europe. My hope is that we’ll have a growing impact in France and Europe, both with more nationalities holidaying with us, and through being a place where God is worshipped, and a place of prayer and teaching, located in France. To be good neighbours and a trusted part of our local community is also something close to my heart. Spring Harvest Holidays has more to offer and I’m looking forward to what the next 20 years has in store.
How's your French?
I spent some time in French-speaking Africa so while I’d not say I’m fluent, I’d also say my understanding is greater than my confidence to speak – I just need more practice!
If you had to only choose one, which would you go for - wine or cheese?
You really do need both, they are so complementary, but I’ll go for wine - in moderation, of course!